The Works of Aristotle Translated into English (6 Volumes) 1971
The Works of Aristotle Translated into English (6 Volumes) 1971
This is likely the most important and influential work in human history. One wonders how the world look like today without these works. This set comprises the first 6 of 12 volumes. This is a rare and valuable find as this set is very difficult to procure, especially in such good condition. It is the gold standard version of Aristotle translations into English (with an index in each volume) and universally recognized as the standard English version of Aristotle. First published in 1928, this edition was published by the Oxford University Press (Oxford at the Clarnedon Press) in 1971. Translated under the Editorship of W.D.Ross. Condition: All books are in excellent condition (see images) and were well looked after. None are damaged. No markings. These are solid books. Volume 2 still has a dust jacket. Total Weight of all 6 books 4653g. Dimensions 15x22x2.5 to 15x22x 4.5 Contents: v.1. Categoriae; De interpretatione; Analytica priora; Analytica posteriora; Topica; De sophisticis elenchis. v.2. Physica; De caelo; De generatione et corruptione. v.3. Meteorologica; De mundo; De anima; Parva naturalia; De spiritu. v.4. Historia animalium. v.5. De partibus animalium; De motu; De incessu animalium; De generatione animalium. v.6. Opuscula; De coloribus; De audibilibus; Physiognomonica; De plantis; De mirabilibus auscultationibus; Mechanica; De lineis insecabilibus; Ventorum situs et cognomina; De Meliss Xenophane Gorgia.